Does it feel like cheating?
Have you ever started sketching something and it’s kinda there, but it feels like it’s missing something? In the digital art world, tools like the warp tool can help you mold your sketch into the shape you originally envisioned. The warp tool can even be used creatively, for example… it can even help you create an emotion. Some may say this is cheating because if you make a mistake… it’s ok, cause you can fix it later. What do you think?
I know this is a controversial topic, and everyone has an opinion on it but consider this..
Skill needed to learn the ins and outs of the tools- no shortcuts here
It’s kinda like a race car diver, that’s celebrated for winning the race. Did the driver win the race because he had the fastest car or was it because the driver had the skills and experience needed to win the race? How many of you think that the driver knew every bolt in that car!
Put in the time
Similarly an accomplished digital artist needs to be skilled at knowing the capabilties of the tools. There’s no shortcut to this, you need to put in the time to learn the tools.
Frankly, there is no definitive line when it comes to being creative…I think that digital art is simply a modern evolution to being creative. It doesn’t replace but rather it joins all the other art mediums. Whichever way you choose to make art… just keep creating!
Thanks for reading, gotta go… bye.
This Weeks Video